telescoping of a portion of the bowel into another portion
causes bowel obstruction, preventing the passage of intestinal contents may reduce on its own
treatment with barium or air enema is usually successful in reducing the intussusception
cases not reduced by barium or air need surgery to reduce
Signs s Symptoms
colicky abdominal pain - child usually screams, pulls knees to chest
vomiting (bile-stained, green) bloody stool
red “currant jelly” like stool which contain blood, mucus, and mucosa
sausage-shaped mass in upper right quadrant (upper mid-abdomen)
Interventions Monitor
for s/s of perforation & shock – report immediately fever, ↑HR, LOC changes, respiratory distress
air or contrast enema surgery
for normal, brown stool (intussusception has reduced itself)
IV fluids, antibiotics may be prescribed
after barium or air enema reduction procedure monitor for normal bowel sounds
stool characteristics & passing barium if used
No insights found
telescoping of a portion of the bowel into another portion
causes bowel obstruction, preventing the passage of intestinal contents may reduce on its own
treatment with barium or air enema is usually successful in reducing the intussusception
cases not reduced by barium or air need surgery to reduce
Signs s Symptoms
colicky abdominal pain - child usually screams, pulls knees to chest
vomiting (bile-stained, green) bloody stool
red “currant jelly” like stool which contain blood, mucus, and mucosa
sausage-shaped mass in upper right quadrant (upper mid-abdomen)
Interventions Monitor
for s/s of perforation & shock – report immediately fever, ↑HR, LOC changes, respiratory distress
air or contrast enema surgery
for normal, brown stool (intussusception has reduced itself)
IV fluids, antibiotics may be prescribed
after barium or air enema reduction procedure monitor for normal bowel sounds
stool characteristics & passing barium if used
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